"NYPD Cops beat Gay Man..."

- What do you guys think of? This is crazy and I really don't want to get into this but it really drives me crazy so here I go. I have posted this video all over my social networks: twitter, facebook, tumblr, YouTube and everything. I just can't stand the fact that these are the people that we go to when we are abused, bullied or lost. This post is going to be focused solely on COPS and POLICE.

Cops and Polices are way ahead of themselves now a day. There is no real intelligence needed to attain a job as a Cop. I do not agree with this because if anybody can be a cop then who is really protecting us? I feel like there should be a superior aspect in the police force. These cops are so use to their working status but not work and this is unacceptable because they think they are allowed to do anything they want. This riddles me because the government allows this to happen. As you see in this video, the Cops do not surrender their badge # nor their names. Cops are no longer cooperative and more and more of them are becoming like the ones we see in this video.


My Last Days: Meet Zach Sobeich 

What's up friends? Just one random day my brother sends me a bunch of videos that made him cry. We don't have a sentimental side in our life so I guess this was special. This is a post im going to keep up on the front page because it really struck my heart, if you can say. Soulpancake youtube channel recorded Zach Sobiech's last days. Zach Sobiech's illness was hinted when he was complaining to his mom about an ill hip (after running). He uses music to express his last words! (CLOUD- Zach Sobeic) ! I hope you guys take the time out to watch this video (link below) ! And Raise awareness for this cancer. Thanks.   [May 26, 2013]


Mayor Bloomberg has started a new system for transportation in New York City. Within the last 10 days there were over 100,000 riders. Unfortunately their are so many people riding these bikes without proper safety procedures. NYC cabbies and drivers are NOT necessarily classified as safe. Because this system did not come with helmets, Bloomberg has taken away the necessity to wear helmets while riding. The system is to pay, ride, park, done. Now before I give you the pricing I want you to comment below is this a good thing in a crowded, rambunctious city. Okay done? Well, there are two ways to pay. 1. Become an annual member ($95 + TAX) or 2. 24-Hour ($9.95 + TAX) / 7-Day Pass ($25 + Tax)  - Each trip for Annual Members is 45 minute trips and for the 24/7 is 30 minute trips. 

Before we end, you guessed it! They have overtime Fees. Now that you're done please comment below again and tell me if this is what the city needs? (= Have a nice day!

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